You are a wine lover and would like to invest? We propose you to acquire shares in Groupement Foncier Viticole (GFV, means wine group), in the wineries that we have selected for their reliability and the quality of the wines produced.
What is a GFV?
A Groupement Foncier Viticole (GFV) is a company enabling individuals to join (to be shareholders) to acquire a vineyard. The running is entrusted to a selected professional grape-grower because of his technical and commercial know-how.
Each year, the shareholder receives income from the lease – by money or with wine – in proportion to the shares held.
Why invest in a GFV?
It is above all an investment with pleasure, allowing you to be the owner of a vineyard without concern for the running or daily management, while earning money.
Another advantage is on the taxation of GFV, which makes it possible to benefit the reduction on the income tax, on the solidarity tax on wealth (ISF), and on the succession tax.
At last, becoming a shareholder in a GFV represents a long-term investment diversification in combining fun and tax benefits.
How to choose a good GFV?
L’acquisition de parts de GFV est un placement à long terme qu’il nécessite de bien préparer en amont. Il est en effet indispensable de définir l’appellation, votre budget et les objectifs que vous visez. Ensuite, nous nous chargeons de trouver pour vous le « bon » domaine viticole, alliant fiabilité, qualité du vin et expertise de l’exploitant, garant de la valeur de votre vin.
Acquiring the shares of GFV is a long-term investment which needs very good first-phase preparation. Actually it is indispensable to define the Appellation, your budget and the objectives that you are aiming at. Then, we take care of finding you the “good” vineyard from several aspects: the reliability, the quality of wine and the expertise of manager, in order to guarantee the value of your wine.